So, I feel like any new storyline needs two consecutive posts to be established... I was going to post the second Jedi Java, but this just wanted to be free.
Let me address some points...
#1- "Christina, this is the second force choke this month, I'm starting to worry." Don't. I am so in love with force choking things right now that I will probably force choke the shit out of everything for the next year. I am SO amused by it.
#2- "Vadar has a pink blanket." Yes, well he is secretly a softie. Which is why he got a kitten in the first place. What happened after that doesn't matter.
#3- "But that doesn't look like a kitten, it looks like a cat." Yes I know. But if I had drawn an uber cute kitten this comic would have killed your soul. I'm looking out for you.
Also I would like to thank my landlord and my cat.
Very nice. However, I can say with absolute certainty that if Vader had two cats, he would be in waaay over his head. Not even the force can stop two hungry kitties. One cat, easily handled...but two are difficult to deal with, even for a jedi master.