
Sunday, November 21, 2010


Sorry dear world, I have been a little busy... I am working on something extra super fancy (well for me)... and it should be done soon. Meanwhile I was thinking... Vadar v Turkey?

No... thats too predictable.

So sorry... Please stay tuned!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween on the Death Star

Apparantly, light sabers are not so good for pumpkin carving.

I was greatly inspired by this photo... I figured some holiday humor was in order. Please excuse my absence for the last couple of weeks... Between the baseball in SF, my five hundred jobs, a flourishing social calender (I jest), and looking for a new car my need to artistically force choke things has been pushed to the back burner. This may make the people I work for happy, as they have started to nervously joke about my jedi powers... In a misguided moment of "Oh! I know all about blogs!" they saw my comics and now the cat is out of the bag... Hopefully it gets back in that bag or I'm going to have to use the force for evil. Again.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dear World,

Please be patient. I have been very busy and am working on a comic but it will not be ready before Wednesday turns into Thursday... Please check back soon.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Duck, duck....

 A'ight, well this week has been a bit difficult. I got hit by a car and etc.... Or my car got hit. But I was in it! So, in short I have been very distracted and so I drew this instead of something with an actual plot. Not that I know if you can call weekly force chokes a "plot". Ahem.... Well at least I finally got you all a zombie.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Come to the Dark Side, there are were kittens.

So, I feel like any new storyline needs two consecutive posts to be established... I was going to post the second Jedi Java, but this just wanted to be free.
Let me address some points...

#1- "Christina, this is the second force choke this month, I'm starting to worry." Don't. I am so in love with force choking things right now that I will probably force choke the shit out of everything for the next year. I am SO amused by it.

#2- "Vadar has a pink blanket." Yes, well he is secretly a softie. Which is why he got a kitten in the first place. What happened after that doesn't matter.

#3- "But that doesn't look like a kitten, it looks like a cat." Yes I know. But if I had drawn an uber cute kitten this comic would have killed your soul. I'm looking out for you.

Also I would like to thank my landlord and my cat.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jedi Java #1

 We are actually going to be calling this "Jedi Java", rather than "Star Java"... I decided that if Lucas wants to come kick my ass it would be really cool.

I'd like to send my love out to DeathStarPR today. You can follow them on twitter and on their blog, I suggest you do so right away.... I know its great to be all peace loving and white wearing, but when shit hits the fan you're probably going to want to join the Empire. (...and Google. But I'm pretty sure they are a crafty plan of the Empire's.)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Inaugural Post

Starting a blog is hard. I don't know what the first post should be. "Yay I'm awesome! I'm a blog! Wheeeee!" Because you don't really know if its awesome for a bit or not. It takes a little time to know if its actually going to be awesome or not.

What I would like for this blog to be is part blog of awesome and part web comic. I am going to aim for an update on Wednesdays. Why Wednesday? I don't know.

So for a little kick off awesomeness.... Here is a stupid doodle.
Just be happy I left out the Ewok killing, for me that was a crucial part of Star Wars.